How does your content stack up against AI-generated content?

Contributor - Michelle Symonds

A man and a robot sat on chairs waiting to be interviewed

If you are seeing content on the internet that is similar to the content you are publishing, then you may want to question whether your “new” content is simply a rehash of information already out there. There are, in fact, relatively few blog posts created which contain brand-new information.

If you are simply creating content using common knowledge presented in a new way, then there is a good chance the search engines won't reward your website with good SEO rankings and, therefore, it will not attract the new customers it's aimed at. If that's the case then you have to question whether it is worth creating it at all.

It is also, of course, tempting to consider using AI-generated content, but again, will it attract new customers, boost SEO rankings or increase conversion rate? It's very unlikely that AI-generated content will achieve this, so what are the benefits? Generative AI tools like ChatGPT can churn out articles at an incredible rate, far faster than a human can, and you can argue that the quality, in terms of grammar, spelling and structure is good, but is AI-generated content actually saying anything of genuine worth? Will it help build credibility for your company?

If you want your content to be noticed and result in improved brand awareness or new customers, you need to find ways to add value. There are three key tools at your disposal to help you make an impact on your target audience. Let's explore these in detail.

1. Experimentation

One of the best tools at your disposal is creating proprietary data. This is content that adds real value. It is a great opportunity to collect new information that people didn't know about before.

The good news here is that AI generators (Large language models or LLMs) don't know everything, and the gaps in their knowledge are their weakness that a human writer can exploit. They can only work with the information that is already out there, so when you experiment and create new information, this is something that LLMs don't know, and it gives you an advantage.

How can a small business perform experiments?

Experimenting may sound intimidating, but it shouldn't be. Both small and large experiments will achieve results that will add value to your topic. You could choose to conduct industry surveys, analyse data generated by your company or its products, run tests to ensure that you understand how things work, or collect data that either proves or disproves well-known ideas.

Ultimately you want to share information that is beyond the basic information already out there, in order to add real value for your potential customers. If some other company has already been there and done it, then you need something that will make your content stand out in the sea of AI-generated content.

2. Experience

Anything created purely by AI will always provide less value than advice that comes from a source with real and relevant experience.

In today's technological world, it is very easy to turn to the internet to get answers, but many of the answers that are out there are not correct. Furthermore, the discerning reader cares more about the source of the answer. When you provide answers based on real-life experience and knowledge, this gives you more authority and allows you to stand out from faceless AI content. This is particularly true when there are multiple websites offering answers to the same question; customers are always more likely to choose the answers from a source they believe will have real-world experience.

Whether you are discussing your company's products or reviewing a range of products, if you have actually conducted the research yourself, then your content will carry more weight.

How can you demonstrate real-world experience?

There are a number of ways you can demonstrate your real-world experience. You could write about topics that you have first-hand experience of, interview other people who have relevant knowledge, provide real-time evidence of your own experience (this might be with photos or a short video) or you could share stories and anecdotes that give real context to the information.

Always remember that if you don't understand the topic or you lack experience, you should avoid writing about it until you have had the chance to learn more about it.

3. Effort

It should come as no surprise that many of the companies that turn to AI do so because it is cheaper. They're not using AI to create innovative experiences but to save money,meaning they prefer quantity over quality. In other words, if you are looking for a way to be different and demonstrate why your company is better than the competition, then you need human-generated content, even if this costs more and means expending more effort.

If you are looking for ways to achieve this, you could try creating videos on the subject, develop free tools, or even provide some form of unique, interactive on-page experience.

This means putting in the time to do the research and the work that is needed to create the kind of content that engages your audience. You might find it hard to justify the expense and the effort required to achieve this. However, when your content is compared to that created by AI it is far more likely people will read it, engage with it, and remember your company because it provides valuable information. When those people are ready to buy, you will have already made them aware of your brand and built a rapport  with them. They are the perfect web visitors to convert into customers.

Final thoughts

While many businesses turned to AI-generated content initially, a large number have returned to human-created content, due to the better impact it can have on their reputation and, of course, their SEO rankings. Putting in the effort means that people are more likely to remember your brand. This, in turn, could result in them being more likely to buy from you, if not now then in the future.

Copyright 2024. Featured post made possible by Michelle Symonds, Ditto Digital Limited.

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Michelle Symonds

Michelle specialises in Technical SEO but provides a range of other digital marketing services. Her strong IT and web expertise, gained developing software and websites for many years, is fundamental to devising her SEO strategies.

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